
Soy Wax: What makes it so special?

Soy Wax: What makes it so special?

Soy wax has taken the candle industry by storm in recent years, and it's no wonder why. In this post, I detail all the characteristics that make natural, ethically sourced...

Soy Wax: What makes it so special?

Soy wax has taken the candle industry by storm in recent years, and it's no wonder why. In this post, I detail all the characteristics that make natural, ethically sourced...

bergamot. Photo credit: Sarah Elizabeth - Unsplash

The power centre: The third chakra

In part four of our chakra systems series, we talk about the third chakra aka the solar plexus chakra. The third chakra is fondly referred to as the power centre, and...

The power centre: The third chakra

In part four of our chakra systems series, we talk about the third chakra aka the solar plexus chakra. The third chakra is fondly referred to as the power centre, and...

A look at the sacrum: The second chakra

A look at the sacrum: The second chakra

The second chakra, aka the sacral chakra is associated with pleasure, sensuality, and creativity. Let's look at the benefits of a healthy sacral chakra and how you can strengthen yours.

A look at the sacrum: The second chakra

The second chakra, aka the sacral chakra is associated with pleasure, sensuality, and creativity. Let's look at the benefits of a healthy sacral chakra and how you can strengthen yours.

Starting from the root: The first Chakra

Starting from the root: The first Chakra

The root chakra is the foundation of the chakra system, and it connects us to the physical world. When this chakra is balanced, we feel safe, secure, and grounded. Let’s...

Starting from the root: The first Chakra

The root chakra is the foundation of the chakra system, and it connects us to the physical world. When this chakra is balanced, we feel safe, secure, and grounded. Let’s...

The chakras. Photo credit: Esther Verdu - Unsplash

The chakra system in aromatherapy

Welcome to part one of the chakra system series. The chakra system has been a vital part of aromatherapy for centuries. In this post, we delve into the seven different...

The chakra system in aromatherapy

Welcome to part one of the chakra system series. The chakra system has been a vital part of aromatherapy for centuries. In this post, we delve into the seven different...