Lavender essential oil
Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular oils in aromatherapy, and with good reason. It has been used for over 2,000 years in cosmetics, perfumery and traditional medicine.
We all appreciate lavender essential oil for its gorgeous scent and ability to promote a restful night’s sleep. In addition to these widely appreciated benefits, there is more to know about lavender essential oil.
Background and History
Lavender, scientifically known as Lavandula angustifolia or Lavandula officinalis, is derived from the lavender plant, which is native to the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula, and Russia. The oil is extracted from the beautiful bright flowers of the Lavandula plant through distillation.
Historically, people have used lavender to manage anxiety, stress, insomnia, pain and depression. Here are some uses of lavender in holistic care today.
Lavender oil is globally recognised by medical and holistic health practitioners as a potent sedative and cure for insomnia. It is, therefore, no surprise that many of the pillow mists and room sprays off the shelves come in a lavender scent.
Many studies have assessed lavender’s capacity for promoting restful sleep in different populations. One 2009 study shows that inhaling lavender before bedtime increased both light and deep sleep in men and women aged 15-30. Another study in 2015 with 79 college students who reported having sleeping issues confirms that inhaling lavender in combination with good sleep hygiene effectively improved the quality of sleep.
Good quality sleep is necessary for physical and mental rejuvenation, memory retention, performance and more. If you find yourself struggling to get some deep sleep, a diffuser with lavender oil, room spray, or pillow mist might aid in catching some restful sleep.
In addition to sweet sleep, lavender essential oil also acts as a stimulant, fortifying you with energy to get moving when you wake up. What’s not to love?
Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory
Lavender oil’s beta-caryophyllene content makes it an effective natural anti-inflammatory treatment, making it an excellent remedy for skin conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis. Bug bites and rashes have also been shown to respond well to lavender essential oil.
A study published in 2017 backed up claims about lavender’s potency with results which show that lavender is an effective remedy for inflammation, bacterial and fungal infections, burns and cuts.
Anxiety relief
Lavender essential oil has been known to have mood-boosting and calming effects when taken regularly. The essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy for its ability to relieve stress and anxiety. Experiments show that when inhaled or used as a massage oil, lavender oil effectively lowers anxiety and boosts mood.
For its effects on mood and anxiety, lavender capsules are commonly administered as an anxiolytic by medical practitioners. One study published in 2013 shows that 80 milligrams of lavender essential oil administered orally to patients with anxiety disorder showed evidence of anxiety relief within two weeks. The best part about this research is that there were little to no adverse effects, drug interactions or withdrawal symptoms from the oral use of lavender essential oil. Lavender oil was also found in some studies to relieve symptoms of depression.
Pain relief
Lavender essential oil has been found to aid with a variety of pains from headaches to menstrual cramps and post-surgery pain.
A study by European Neurology tested the efficacy of lavender essential oil for regular migraines in 47 participants. The participants were required to inhale lavender essential oil in 15-minute sessions. At the end of the experiment, it was discovered that lavender essential oil effectively reduced the severity of migraines in the participants, and its effects were immediate and long-lasting. The research concluded that lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment for migraine headaches.
We’ve looked at how effective lavender essential oil is for inflammatory skin conditions, however, this special oil delivers a broader range of benefits for the skin.
Lavender oil is a useful treatment for acne, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles and this can be credited to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, and moisturising properties.
As a natural antioxidant, lavender can help combat free radicals and oxidative stress to soothe wrinkles and fine lines. As an anti-fungal agent, lavender can help to rid the skin of eczema, and as an anti-bacterial, lavender essential oil helps keep acne and blemishes at bay.
The effects of lavender on the skin have not yet been rigorously tested on human participants and we look forward to more studies in the future to back up its skincare benefits.
Use and Interactions
Orally - One of the ways to take lavender is oral consumption. This is usually in the form of capsules that contain the essential oil. silexan is a popular anxiety medication that contains lavender essential oil. While lavender oil is generally regarded as one of the safest/least dangerous essential oils, it may cause side effects like constipation, diarrhoea, and headache. It is important to note that lavender essential oil may potentially be dangerous when consumed in combination with other sedatives and may cause drowsiness and/or trouble breathing. There also isn’t enough evidence to show that lavender is safe for oral consumption in children.
Applied to the skin - Another way lavender is used is by direct application on the skin. Although lavender oil is known to rarely cause side effects, rashes may occur if applied directly on the skin. The safest way to use lavender essential oil topically is to mix it with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil.
Inhalation - In aromatherapy, lavender is consumed by inhalation. This may be inhaling the scent of the oil straight from the bottle, through an essential oil diffuser or by burning a candle that contains lavender essential oil. Our personal favourite is the Este lavender and peppermint candle, which is a double dose of refreshment with herbal lavender and peppermint to surround your space and ease your mind.
There isn’t enough scientific evidence to show that lavender oil is safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the general rule of thumb is to avoid lavender essential oil during your first trimester, to prevent exposing the foetus to toxic substances.
How to get good quality lavender essential oil
The first thing to check when buying your lavender essential oil is the label. You want to make sure that the scientific name, Lavandula angustifolia is printed visibly on the label. You also need to make sure that your oil is encased in a dark bottle either amber or black, this is because dark bottles extend the efficacy of the oil by protecting it from damage through exposure to light.
Lavender oil is relatively affordable due to its availability in the market, so a loss price point wouldn’t necessarily be a cause for concern.
Lavender essential oil has earned its reputation as a classic in aromatherapy for its versatility and potency. From skincare to mental wellness and physiological benefits, it deserves a place on your shelf.
Although lavender essential oil hardly causes side effects and there is no published recommended dosage, it is important to exercise caution when consuming it. Always mix your lavender essential oil with a carrier oil when applying it topically, avoid consuming it in combination with other sedatives and keep it away from the reach of children.
Our soothing lavender and peppermint scented candles contain ethically sourced organic lavender essential oil and make an effective companion for relaxation, stress relief, restful sleep and also rejuvenation. Give it a try and as always, let us know what you think.